Who We Are

Welcome to Camel City Counseling! We are an outpatient private practice offering counseling, supervision services, and consulting to organizations and other clinical practices.

Our clients are looking for healing, growth, movement forward in their busy lives and oftentimes improved self-care practices. When you see one of our providers, you'll not only be treated as a whole person but also be gifted a customized individual health and wellness plan.

We specialize in working with motivated clients, the perfectionist, the family struggle, the couple rekindling their desire, the trauma survivor, the hurting, the anxious, the body loather, the overachiever, the overcomer, the attention deficit, the highly sensitive. We believe that mental health is physical health, and vice versa. We see you and we care.

When you work with us, you will experience authenticity and integrity. Our passionate focus is meeting people where they are and walking with them toward their goals in a warm, relational manner. We will sit "side by side" with you on your journey of change. We will never give up on your success and wellbeing.

We invite you to connect with us to learn more about how we dedicate ourselves to our clients. We take our level of service up a notch. We are modern therapists who meet you where you need us.
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"Wonderful people! Qualified therapists who truly care about the well-being of not only their clients but the community."

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"Winston-Salem is very fortunate to have such a gem like Camel City Counseling. Highly recommended!"

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"They offer a variety of services and all the staff are extremely nice. I would refer them to anyone!"


What We Do

Pain may be inevitable, but we can help you increase vulnerability, emotional intelligence, courage and self compassion so that you can avoid suffering. We help you lead from self, understand the impact of your injuries, and support you in performing at your peak. Our clients come with a clear idea of what they need and stay for as long as they want support in their growth. We don't just help you move through an immediate challenge. We offer many paths and tools for you to deepen your existing knowledge and become mindful of your strengths.



Living life as a human can feel joyous as well as painful.

Our counselors can help you, your child, teen or family:

  • Navigate tough decisions
  • Explore challenging feelings
  • Work through difficult relationships
  • Resolve old hurts and trauma
  • Accept uncertainty
  • Cultivate calm and diminish the chaos
  • Reduce the impact of ADHD and other neurodivergent concerns
  • Increase healthy boundaries and communication skills
  • Improve anxiety and/or depression symptoms
  • Process grief and heartache

Our hope is for you to feel clear minded, purposeful and thoughtful about your life journey.

We offer supportive, nonjudgmental, confidential, unbiased, and compassionate care. Collectively, we are trained in a variety of therapies shown to improve your wellbeing including EMDR, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Play Therapy, Mindfulness Based Therapy, and more. You can come into this private inviting space in person or online to reflect, process, share, or resolve whatever is on your mind.

We are your objective confidant who can look out for your true best interests and help you get to the root of any barriers to wellness. We tend to your needs using both the evidence based practices and art of psychotherapy. If you're hesitating to reach out, we invite you to push through the fear or worry and see how one of our therapists can help you make change or find new paths to peace.

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Psychological Evaluation

Psychological Evaluation

Our highly experienced, competent, trauma informed and neurodivergent affirming Licensed Psychologist works with all ages, both children and adults. He is able to work with you to determine if your symptoms and concerns fit a diagnosis, what that diagnosis might be, and offer intelligible report findings. He is also trained to provide differential diagnosis if needed for those who have received mental health treatment but are still unsure what the underlying issues could encompass.

We offer a variety of psychological evaluations including:

  • ADHD
  • Autism
  • Differential Diagnosis
  • Psychoeducational

ADHD and Autism evaluations include a virtual or in person clinical interview session, an in person assessment session, and a follow up in person or virtual report finding session.

Differential diagnosis evaluations include an initial assessment and then a determination will be made as to next steps.

Psychoeducational evaluations can be helpful for private school kindergarten readiness, gifted placement or discovering learning differences.

Read more about our Licensed Psychologist or use the link below if you are ready to connect.

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Clinical Supervision

Clinical Supervision

We offer clinical supervision services for newly licensed counseling professionals in North Carolina! Whether you are a new graduate/professional, or a seasoned professional in need of supervision, we are here to help.

Our highly competent, seasoned and trauma-informed clinical supervisors are able to support LCMHC/A's, LCSW/A's, and LPA's in the state of North Carolina only.

Why choose us? We have an intense focus on clinician wellness and burnout prevention as well as a team approach to the support you need while in supervision.  We want supervisees to receive high quality supervision and provisional clinicians to feel supported. We fill in the "theoretical" to "hands on" learning gap as you move from the classroom desk to therapist chair.

Supervisees will receive the following during their time with us:

  • Board approved hands-on individual clinical supervision
  • Weekly clinical consulting groups
  • Exposure to a broad range of clinical skill sets
  • Growth through the imposter syndrome
  • Small group connection to peers in the same developmental stage
  • Practical skills related to private practice
  • A roadmap for longevity in this career – burn out prevention strategies, how to connect to your values, an emphasis on work-life balance, how to choose modalities that protect your mental health

Read more about our clinical supervision services or if you're ready to take the leap, complete the pre-screener so that we can match you with a supervisor by using the links below.

Read more about our clinical supervision services or if you're ready to take the leap, complete the pre-screener so that we can match you with a supervisor by using the links below.

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Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Skills Class

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Skills Class

Dialectical behavior therapy helps people learn to manage their emotions, improve relationships, and tolerate distress. It is based on cognitive behavioral therapy and was originally developed by Marsha Linehan to treat borderline personality disorder. However, it can also be used to treat many other mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, substance use disorders, eating disorders and post traumatic stress disorder. DBT assumes that you are doing your best. You want to get better. You cannot fail treatment. You may feel like life is unbearable at the same time you are living it. You must learn new behaviors. You may not be the cause of your problems but still have to resolve them. And, that you can do better, try harder and be more motivated to change.

DBT includes 4 core concepts or sets of skills including:

  • Mindfulness
  • Distress Tolerance
  • Emotion Regulation
  • Interpersonal Effectiveness

Click on the video above to learn more about DBT and our skills classes beginning in January 2025.

If you ready to take the next step, then complete the short pre-screener below and we will reach out to you to schedule a skills class evaluation within 2 business days.

We cannot wait for you to join us on the DBT skills journey in the new year!

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Educational 504/IEP Consulting

Educational 504/IEP Consulting

Are you a family with a child who has been recently identified with a learning difference, ADHD, anxiety, depression, or other concern impacting their educational progress?

Are you unsure of what to do next?

Do you feel ill prepared for the IEP/504 process and/or your next meeting?

Have you been navigating the IEP/504 process all alone, and now have hit a bump in the road (think 6th grade, 9th grade or graduating senior!)?

We can help!

We provide educational consulting to current counseling clients AND community members.

Our team of licensed counselors can assist you and your child with the following:

  • locating and identifying classroom interventions that could be helpful for the identified learning difference (or OHI) r
  • eviewing testing from psychologists (school or private) with you
  • assisting you with any needed testing follow up questions or concerns
  • co-creating a list of accommodations you may consider requesting from the school during an upcoming meeting p
  • reparing you for your first 504/IEP meeting
  • assisting you in determining if you suspect your child could use testing for a learning difference and help you navigate who, what, where, when and how
  • collaborating with you in navigating the "tricky" years or roadblocks for your IEP/504 plans (think the 5th grader heading to MS, or the 8th grader heading to HS, or the graduating senior headed to college)
  • providing self advocacy, stress management, and assertiveness skills to reduce the fear of "scary" 504/IEP meetings

If you need this type of short term care, please email info@camelcitycounseling.com to be connected to an experienced consultant.

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Clinical Professional Development

Clinical Professional Development


We are an NBCC approved Continuing Education provider (ACEP Provider #7570) and offer live and pre-recorded trainings. We believe that we never stop learning as clinical professionals and are committed to contributing to the growth and learning opportunities for all mental health providers.

Please use the links below to connect to the wide variety of affordable trainings we have available.

If you would like us to connect to your practice or organization for a live training, please reach out to info@camelcitycounseling.com to connect.


We know that as lifelong learners, we cannot be our best professional self in isolation. That is why we’ve created monthly clinician processing groups. These 2 hour in-person groups are small, encourage vulnerability, and meet the needs of mental health professionals who might otherwise practice in isolation.

These are not therapy or networking groups or case presentation groups, but rather a space to process our experiences with clients and the impact they have on our professional wellbeing. This time is about YOU. To be seen and heard. To show up authentically and introspectively ready to give and take in the group.

Our groups align with the following American Counseling Association’s ethical guidelines including:

  • C.2.d. Monitor Effectiveness Counselors continually monitor their effectiveness as professionals and take steps to improve when necessary. Counselors take reasonable steps to seek peer supervision to evaluate their efficacy as counselors.
  • C.2.e. Consultations on Ethical Obligations Counselors take reasonable steps to consult with other counselors, the ACA Ethics and Professional Standards Department, or related professionals when they have questions regarding their ethical obligations or professional practice.

If you are interested in joining one of our process groups, use the link below to connect.

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Group Practice Owner Professional Development

Group Practice Owner Professional Development

We know that being a practice owner, whether solo or group, can be professionally isolating, but it can be especially nerve wracking to wade into the waters of becoming an employer. We have developed a host of trainings and practical tools in our Group Practice Growth Membership that includes:

  • If you want MORE out of your mental health business or simply don't know where to begin, then we invite you to join Sara Hepler, a proven business entrepreneur, in a private paid membership space that focuses on giving, sharing, growing, and, most of all, honest feedback and grit.

  • The Group Practice Growth space is all about supporting YOU as a group practice owner on your journey to scale to 10 or 100. She has shared and shared her practical advice in FaceBook groups, with local colleagues, and others across the nation who want to build something great (and they can!). Now it is time to focus her attention on what matters most. Building intimate connections and relationships with those who are also here to serve and grow.

  • So join her by using the QR code below for access to over 50 practical documents, a multitude of practice trainings, and monthly connection to other group practice owners ready to grow. Because having a private business advisory board is priceless and rare in our industry.

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Check Up from the Neck Up

Check Up from the Neck Up

We know that living in a post-Covid world means increased anxiety and depression rates among employees. This can impact organizational culture, wellbeing, and eventually earnings potential if left unaddressed.

Today, employers are more often seeking ways to support their employees' wellbeing in affordable AND meaningful ways. One way to do this is by offering an annual preventative mental healthcare well visit; what we call a "check up from the neck up."

During this time, your employees will gain access to:

  • Affordable employee benefit
  • 100% confidentiality
  • Time spent focused on preventative health
  • 30-60 minutes private session 1 on 1 with a NC counselor

Improving employee's access to mental healthcare has been shown to increase overall employee workplace productivity and contentment.While often overlooked, mental health is mostly preventative in nature. We like to address concerns BEFORE they get too big to handle.

During a well visit or "check up from the neck up," employees can discuss:

  • Stress management concerns
  • Work-life harmony
  • Coping skills

We can also screen for common concerns including depression, anxiety and ADHD.

Our mission is to decrease the impact of employee stress and mental health concerns in the workplace while helping employers maintain the level of productivity needed to satisfy their earnings potential.

If you are interested in serving your employees in this way, please complete the brief questionnaire below, and we will be in touch!

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Our team

Calm Cultivators

Calm is something you cultivate. Learn to savor life and heal from past wounds.
Work for Camel City Counseling!

Natalie Jewell, LCMHCA
here to support your growth in all things and build a therapeutic relationship that brings peace and hope along your journey Read About

Natalie Jewell, LCMHCA

Licensed Counselor
Shannon Dick, LCMHCA
draw from several therapeutic approaches to meet the needs of each unique individual or couple Read About

Shannon Dick, LCMHCA

Licensed Counselor
Natalie Fung
Passionate about working with older teens, adults, couples and families to facilitate growth and connection Read About

Natalie Fung

Graduate Clinical Intern
Elizabeth Sanchez, LCSWA
do my best to create a safe, inclusive, collaborative, and compassionate therapeutic setting Read About

Elizabeth Sanchez, LCSWA

Licensed Counselor
Kirby Jones, LCMHCA
creating a space where clients feel empowered to re-author limiting stories in their lives and live into new narratives of growth and healing Read About

Kirby Jones, LCMHCA

Licensed Counselor
Amy Goins, LCSW
passion working with emerging adults as they address unique challenges and build resilience during this transitional phase of life Read About

Amy Goins, LCSW

Licensed Counselor | Clinical Supervisor
Stephen McCullough, PsyD
passion is helping children, adolescents and their families deal with the challenges and problems many of us face each day Read About

Stephen McCullough, PsyD

Licensed Psychologist | Clinical Supervisor
Sara Hepler, LCMHCS
provides a fun and loving environment for therapists and healing Read About

Sara Hepler, LCMHCS

Founder | Executive Director


Insurance and Cost Planning


Depending on the provider network status, we can courtesy bill the following insurance plans for clients wanting to use an insurance discount:
  • Aetna - this includes the State Health Plan
  • Cigna
  • Carolina Behavioral Health Alliance (Atrium/Wake Forest Health, and Wake Medical School employees)
  • Medcost
  • Blue Cross and Blue Shield (except Blue Local or Blue Value) - this includes the State Health Plan
We currently DO NOT bill Medicaid, Medicare, or any out of network plans. If you have an insurance plan that is NOT one of those listed above, you are expected to pay the FULL service fee at the time of service. If your claim is denied or rejected due to an error outside of our control, then you will be responsible for the payment of services in full at the time of billing.

VIDEO - Understanding My Insurance

If an insurance company determines you are responsible for payment of services, we will collect the amount due using the card on file, and provide you with a receipt of services so that you can discuss the disallowed expenses/coverage with your insurance company. We do not offer insurance counseling on behalf of our clients, but do attempt to advocate for clients if their insurance company has made an error in coverage.

If you are a current or previous client and have experienced a claim denial by your insurance company despite our best efforts to collect on your behalf, then visit the website listed below. This free service is for ALL American consumers.


Self Pay

If you choose not to use your insurance plan, or we are out of your plan's network, then we can provide a DISCOUNTED RATE or a "superbill" for services rendered, which you can submit to your insurance for possible reimbursement. All new appointments and assessments are $180-$200 per session, and follow up appointments are $165-$180 per session. It is $40 per session to see a graduate level clinical intern.

Below is a "good faith estimate" of the SELF PAY rates for all current psychological evaluation services. Prices are subject to change:
  • Combination of ADHD/Educational - $2000 (includes 2+ hours of testing and report writing; insurance does not cover educational testing)
  • Psycho-educational - $1500 (includes 2+ hours of testing and report writing; insurance does not cover educational testing)
  • Autism (including diagnosis) - $400-$900 (includes 2+ hours of testing and report writing)
  • ADHD (including diagnosis) - $1000 (includes 2+ hours of testing and report writing)
  • Differential Diagnosis / Neuropsychological testing - $200/hour
  • Educational (Achievement) - $900 (includes 2+ hours of testing and report writing; insurance does not cover educational testing)
  • Autism & ADHD (including diagnosis) - $1200 (includes 2+ hours of paperwork testing and report writing)
Clinical supervision is $100/hour, dyadic supervision is $60/hour, and group supervision/consultation is $50/120 minutes.

Educational consulting for 504/IEP plans provided by licensed professionals is $100/hour.

Practice consulting for group or solo practice owners across the country provided by a proven leader, and entrepreneur is $200/hour.


We require all clients to have a card on file to be utilized for the cost of services as well as to cover any unexpected no show or late cancellation fees. We send invoices for all payments due and do not allow clients to carry a balance.
  • A 24 hour notice is required for all cancelations. A $100 charge will be applied for all appointments not kept with the exception of emergencies. This is not covered by insurance.


Get in touch

Please reach out to us using the methods below.

Phone number

(336) 355-8155


Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm